New Dimension in Electrical Design

SOLIDWORKS Electrical – Learn how Changes the Dimension in Electrical Design

From Benjamin Franklin to William Shockley, spanning the last 300 years of technical innovation has transformed the way electrical designs are created. Products have become increasingly intelligent with “smart” electronics, and electrical schematics have evolved from hand drawings on a paper napkin to digital renderings on a computer screen or tablet.

Read the feature article on how electrical design has evolved since Mr. Franklin’s era and discover how SOLIDWORKS® Electrical can help you:

  • Collaborate more efficiently with mechanical and electrical design teams
  • Transform your logical schematics into 3D physical models
  • Visualize your 3D model – complete with electrical components – without a prototype
  • Eliminate manual tasks and reduce errors
  • Maintain BOM integrity and automatically produce manufacturing drawings fast
  • Design and render 3D cabinets and wire harnesses quickly

Request Demo on the infographic and learn how SOLIDWORKS Electrical can revolutionize the integration of electrical design into your product development process.


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