3D Mold Creator offers concise, simplified workflows for creating mold geometry while leveraging the power of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, changing the way you tackle design challenges.
3D Mold Creator provides dedicated mold tooling design functionality that enables the faster, automated, and more robust design of mold core, cavity, and insert geometry. Users can use any browser-based device, thereby reducing hardware costs and allowing mold designers flexibility to design and access their data from anywhere at any time.

3D Mold Creator provides fully automatic and manual tools needed to create mold core, cavity and inserts geometry including:
- Check for draft and undercut issues and make model edits as required
- Compensate for plastic part shrinkage with part scaling
- Automatically determine and create the parting line
- Create inserts to handle undercut geometry
- Automatically create shutoff surfaces
- Automatically create parting surfaces
- Automatically split mold tooling into core, cavity and inserts
- Mold geometry updates with design model changes
3DEXPERIENCE 3D Creator enables designers and engineers to create, review and evaluate 3D models through an easy-to-use SOLIDWORKS modeler.
To know much more content regarding 3D Mold Creator in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Visit: https://my.3dexperience.3ds.com/welcome/compass-world/rootroles/3d-mold-creator
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